Our Philosophy
At MCS, we believe that every child can grow to be competent and confident users of the English language. We deliver an enriched curriculum that teaches our students to appreciate the nuances of the English language, develop critical thinking skills and equip them with the necessary competencies that are essential for communicating in the real world.
Our Approach
We use Strategies for English Language Learning and Reading (STELLAR) as our primary approach to deliver the national curriculum. Lessons are further enriched by our school-based programmes that integrate listening, speaking, reading, viewing and writing into the language learning process.
1. Reading @ MCS
Reading is the cornerstone of acquiring
language skills. Students are encouraged to engage in book exploration
during their reading and library periods. Our school library hosts games
and activities that excite our students to read and share their love for
books with their peers. We organise book talks by authors, who share the
process behind writing good stories.
At the Upper Primary levels, the study of current affairs is integrated into the curriculum where students read about world news. They reflect on these and express their thoughts through journal writing.
2. Writing @ MCS
Writing is an important form of communication.
At MCS, we focus on teaching writing as an iterative process. Students
are guided through the different stages of writing (ideation, drafting,
receiving feedback, editing, publishing) as we believe that the rigour
of the process is as important as the final product.
3. Oracy @ MCS
Communicating effectively is a key
competency of the 21stCentury. The Whole School Approach to
Effective Communication (WSA-EC) seeks to achieve this desired outcome
for every student through customised programmes. Some platforms for students
to give oral presentations include ‘Characters come Alive!’, Readers’ Theatre
and our Speak Well presentations.
Our Department Programmes
Speak Well Programme
The Speak Well Programme aims to develop a sense of confidence and eloquence in our students through the explicit sharing of values.
It requires our students to first write about a given theme that is tied to our school values. During the process, they do research and reflect on their own experiences to form convincing beliefs about the given theme.
Students present their thoughts and share their experiences with their peers in class, and representatives from each class would do similarly during assembly, to a wider audience. With the shift to e-assembly, our students design a deck of slides to accompany their speeches, making their presentations even more engaging to the audience.
MCS Reading Programme
This programme aims to introduce students to different genres and inculcate in them a love for reading. Through a series of lessons, students will read for enjoyment and explore the common features and thematic elements of various genres. The lessons are designed not only to engage, delight and entertain pupils, but also to teach and reinforce values.
Termly Early Bird English Book Sharing
In each term, we introduce new genres and recommend good reads to our students. The focus of each term is as follows.
Term 1: Graphic Novels Genre
Term 2: Books on the Environment
Term 3: Books by Local Authors
Term 4: Realistic Fiction Genre
The termly book sharing is done during the school’s Early Bird Programme (a programme that meaningfully engages our students before school starts). The books that we recommend can be found in our school library so that students have access to them. More information on MCS’ library programmes may be found at the following link: https://marymountconvent.moe.edu.sg/marymount-experience/mcs-library
Our English Talent Development Programmes
Our Philosophy
We believe that every student is endowed with talent in specific domains and can be developed to her fullest potential;
We strive to enable each student to discover and develop her core academic talents;
We believe in empowering every student to enhance their strengths and pursue their passions for lifelong learning.
Our Approach
Our English Talent Development Programme aims to provide opportunities for P3 – P6 students who have the passion and desire in English to:
Explore and deepen their interest in the English language;
Broaden their exposure in English-related disciplines;
Become creative, imaginative writers;
Interact and collaborate with other budding English talents.
The programme seeks to develop students who
Demonstrate a keen interest in the English language (e.g. through active participation in English-related enrichment activities, projects or competitions);
Obtain excellent results in school-based English assessments; and
Have a good record in their conduct.
As part of their development, students in our English Talent Development Programme can look forward to participation in the following:
Creative Writing Programme
The Creative Writing Programme seeks to further hone our students’ ambitions and abilities in writing. Through the guidance of our English teachers, our students will explore different text types and genres of writing. They will produce a portfolio of writing pieces that capture their personal voice, interest and style. Some students may also have the opportunity to participate in international writing competitions.