Character and Citizenship Education (CCE)
Our Philosophy
Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) is integral to the holistic development of our students, leading to positive life outcomes. CCE 2021 provides an integrated approach to addressing our students’ development of values, character, socialemotional wellbeing and citizenship dispositions in a coherent and holistic way.
The CCE 2021 Curriculum frame takes reference from the existing Framework for 21st Century Competencies and Student Outcomes, and aims to enhance clarity on how the core values are linked to the social emotional competencies, and how they are internalised and lived out by our students.
CCE Components
Social Studies |
At MCS, we believe that every child can grow to be effective citizens by helping them to better understand the interconnectedness of Singapore and the world they live in. Social Studies seeks to inculcate in students a deeper understanding of the values that define the Singapore society as well as to show concern for community and the nation. |
CCE Lessons |
CCE lessons in the primary levels are taught in the Mother Tongue Languages
(MTL). For pupils who are offered the non-Tamil Indian Languages (NTIL),
who are exempted from taking MTL, CCE lessons are taught in English.
Form Teacher Guidance Programme(FTGP) |
FTGP is a programme created to foster a positive teacher-pupil relationship through the teaching of social and emotional competencies including Cyber Wellness Education and Career Guidance. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is explicitly taught during FTGP. |
Education and Career Guidance (ECG) |
ECG is about equipping students with the necessary knowledge, skills
and values to make informed decisions at each key education stage for successful
transition from school to further education or work, and hence to manage
their education and career pathways and lifelong learning throughout their
CCE Guidance Module |
Sexuality Education (SEd)
Values Education Programme (VEP) |
Customised values-in-education lessons are conducted weekly for all pupils. Through the use of inspirational videos, newspaper articles and stories, the lessons encourage pupils to display positive behaviour by expressing the schools values - gratitude, zeal and compassion. Resources are carefully designed and chosen by teachers to provide depth and relevance to the daily experiences of the pupils. |
Values in Action (VIA) |
VIA @ Marymount is a six-year program that aims to empower our pupils to contribute actively to the community. We empower our pupils through planned level programs that require pupils to take ownership of a project or concern. Through this experience, our girls will try to bring about a positive change or difference by putting into practice the school values which have been instilled during the weekly VEP lessons. |
Catholic Spirituality
Archbishop William Goh mentioned that, “Catholic education seeks to give them a holistic education for life and love; not just for a career, not just for tomorrow, not even for this life on earth only but for eternal life.” It is with this in mind that Marymount Convent School continues to strengthen its Catholic ethos through various programmes and activities to develop girls into Ladies of God and society. Though the programme and activities are compulsory for Catholic pupils, non-Catholic pupils are most welcome to participate. If they do not wish to, silence has to be maintained as a form of respect to those participating.
Catholic Values Education (CVE)
The Catechism programme
at Marymount is called Catholic Values Education. It is compulsory for
all Catholic girls. Non-Catholic pupils are welcome to join the 45 minutes
weekly sessions held on Thursday mornings. Pupils who are not in this programme
will attend the Values Education Programme (VEP). Though CVE does not prepare
Catholic girls for the sacraments, it emphasizes on both the Gospel values
as well as the school values for pupils to live out in their daily lives.
Eucharistic Celebration
The Eucharist being the highest
form of worship, Mass is held weekly on Tuesdays at 7.15 a.m. for those
who would like to attend. There are 4 school Masses in a year where the
whole school attends together; Opening of the Year, Foundress Day, National
Day and Thanksgiving Mass at the end of the year. Mass is also held on
Days of Obligation for all Catholics.
Daily Sacred Time
At 12 noon daily, a short reflection,
prayer or the Angelus is said. The reflections generally follow the Catholic
Liturgical Calendar and school values are emphasized during these teachable
moments. All pupils are to maintain silence during this Sacred Time.
Prayer and Adoration
Each morning begins with a prayer
and singing of hymns. A prayer is also said after each recess to thank
God for the food received. These prayers are said by pupils from the various
CVE classes are scheduled to go into the Prayer Room for Children’s Eucharistic Adoration (CEA) at least once a semester. CEA sessions are also held weekly during recess. Fifteen minutes into each recess, a bell is rung to gather pupils who are interested to attend the session. These sessions inculcate the importance of being silent and that of reverence in the presence of the Eucharist. Children learn that silence is part of reverence and respect and a form of individual prayer and reflection.
Liturgical Seasons
Activities are conducted according
to the liturgical seasons; Lent, Easter and Foundress Day. Being a Good
Shepherd school, Marymount Convent works closely with the Good Shepherd
Organisation in their various activities including their fundraising initiatives
and donation of items. For example, as part of almsgiving during Lent,
we raise funds for a selected Good Shepherd mission; it could be in Congo,
Myanmar or any place in need of assistance. Through these activities, pupils
learn to be compassionate towards others and grateful for their blessings.
National Education (NE)
The philosophy of MCS’ National Education (NE) is to provide depth in values education and a sense of social responsibility with citizenship taking root in the hearts of our girls. Our National Education activities further provide pupils with the learning experiences to know (facts) and appreciate Singapore. After each selected NE events, pupils are encouraged to reflect and create meanings to their experiences in relation to their roles as daughters of Singapore.
Key NE Activities @ MCS
Total Defence Day |
Racial Harmony Day |
National Day Celebrations |
NE Ambassadors
The NE Ambassadors are appointed to champion National Education in the school. The NE Ambassadors lend their support to CCE-organised commemorative events and are the driving force in relating NE messages to the school.
Cyber Wellness @ MCS
Cyber Wellness @ MCS focusses on the well-being of our students as they navigate cyberspace, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to harness the power of ICT for positive purposes, maintain a positive presence in cyberspace, and be safe and responsible users of ICT.
Cyber Wellness Education is conducted through CCE lessons during curriculum time, school-based sharing and initiatives, and learning opportunities beyond school curriculum time.