Artistic Gymnastics
CCA Information
Artistic Gymnastics combines the elements of strength, artistry and grace. It seeks to develop students in their physical strength, flexibility, agility, coordination and balance. Students acquire acrobatic techniques to execute short routines on four apparatus: balance beam, uneven bars, vault and floor.
Students will be observed and grouped into either School or Recreation Team. Recreation Team will train once a week, either on Mondays or Fridays.
Students in the School Team are expected to train thrice a week. These students will be selected to represent the school at the annual National School Games. In addition, the CCA also provides several opportunities for School Team members and selected students from the Recreation Team to put up performances at school events.
This fun, vibrant CCA not only moulds our girls to be exemplary performers but it also teaches them to be dedicated, disciplined and resilient.
Training Day / Time |
Monday Wednesday Friday |
Training Venue |
Gymnasium |
Teachers |
Ms Leny Nuurlina (OIC) Mr Eugene Tan (2IC) Ms Claudia Kiang Mdm Nazhatulshima Ms Loh Soo Gek Ms Pang Rui Ting Ms Jasmine Tan Ms Sharryl Tang Ms Serene Nabiesah |
CCA Highlights
Floor Exercise
Pupils learn and master acrobatic moves as well as techniques on a padded floor. This apparatus trains pupils in their strength, flexibility and coordination.
Balance Beam
Pupils learn basic walks, turns and poses, before gradually progressing to jumps, leaps and handstands on the balance beam. This beam event incorporates strength, balance and coordination, as well as an awareness of body position.
Pupils practise running, jumping and hurdling herself onto a springboard. Starting with beginner drills, they gradually advance to vaults that are of higher difficulty levels. This apparatus trains pupils’ in their strength, agility as well as athletic ability.
Uneven Bars
Pupils acquire swings and pullover techniques, before progressing to more advanced skills such as handstands, release, flipping or twisting moves. This apparatus trains them in their strength, agility and coordination.